How to Best Handle a Traffic Accident for Foreigners in Korea_2 (Criminal)


 Case 2) The driver in S60 Volvo (hereinafter, referred to as a "Victim") had been transferred to an ER nearby, however, eventually passed away. In accordance with Korean law, what criminal punishment would Michael expect?   

a. In Principle, Michaele is subject to imprisonment for five-year or less, or penalty up to KRW 20M

Article 3 (Special Cases for Punishment)     

(1)         A driver of a vehicle who commits a crime provided for in Article 268 (Death/Injury by occupational or gross negligence) of the Criminal Act by reason of a traffic accident shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for not more than five years or by a penalty not exceeding 20 million won.

b. Term between the timing of the accident and Victim's death

Let's do some thought experiment. In case the timing of Victim's eventual death is after 2-year period. Michael still can argue that the lack of co-relation between the accident and death. 

However, in case the Victim had passed away right after he was transferred to ER; Michael's best chance to adjust the penalty-levied is to make the settlement with the Victim's family.

c. Summary of Criminal Consequences related to Traffic Accident in Korea

please contact Seo Yun Jung ( for any further queries; a K-Laywer4U at New Hanyang Law Firm (


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How to Best Handle a Traffic Accident for Foreigners in Korea_1 (Criminal)